Connecting to Dropbox


You can create named storage connection strings for Dropbox. Dropbox storage connections can be used with the Xbasic storage functions to read files from and save files to your Dropbox account.

Creating a Dropbox Token

Before you build a storage connection string for Dropbox you will need to get a access token with the correct scopes. Here is how this is done:

  1. Go to the Dropbox Developer console and create a new application.

  2. Once you have create a new application, go to the Permissions tab and set the permissions for you access token (it is very important that you set the permissions before you generate the access token).

  3. Go the to the Settings tab, set the Access token expiration to No expiration, then click the Generate token button to generate your access token.

  4. Copy the generated token to the clipboard. Go to Alpha Anywhere, open the Storage connections dialog and create a new Dropbox connection. Paste the token you generated in step 3 into the dialog.

Once you have created a named storage connection string for Dropbox you can then use any of the a5storage* functions (except a5storage_copyFiles()) to read/write files to your Dropbox account.


Creating a Dropbox Storage Connection

In this video, we show how you can create a name connection string for Dropbox.
